Free Papers (FP)
- Each presenter is given a maximum of 5 minutes.
- It is compulsory for all free paper presentations to be uploaded in the Speaker Preview Room at least 3 hours before the start of their sessions.
- Please format the aspect ratio of PowerPoint slides to 16:9. Please refer to the AV Information for Speakers for more details on the Speaker Preview Room and Time Keeping Protocol.
- All presenters should declare any conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof in all their presentations. Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof should be made at the start of the presentation on the title slide or second slide of the presentation. Failure to declare conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof may result in the paper being not considered for the Best Paper of Session awards.
- Presenters are encouraged to attend the Free Paper session from the start and stay throughout the session. Presentation time may be adjusted if a presenter did not show up at the assigned time.
- Best Paper of Session (BPOS) will only be announced at the end of each session.
- Criteria for selection of BPOS are:
- Financial Disclosure
- Scientific Content
- Originality
- Presentation Clarity
- Adherence to Timing
- Please keep your presentation concise and succinct.
Information is accurate at time of publication. APACRS reserves the right to make changes where required.
Thursday, 30 May 2024 |
Shu Shan Room, 3F |
09:00 – 10:30hrs FP1 – Chinese Papers |
11:00 – 12:30hrs FP2 – Chinese Papers |
14:00 – 15:30hrs FP3 – Chinese Papers |
16:00 – 17:30hrs FP4 – Chinese Papers |
Friday, 31 May 2024 | |
Jin Niu Room, 5F | Qing Yang Room, 5F |
07:30 – 08:35hrs FP5 – Corneal Surgery |
07:30 – 08:45hrs FP6 – Chinese Papers |
11:00 – 12:45hrs FP7 – Refractive Surgery I |
11:00 – 12:30hrs FP8 – Chinese Papers |
14:00 – 15:45hrs FP9 – Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs) I |
13:50 – 15:50hrs FP10 – Cataract Surgery I |
Saturday, 1 June 2024 | |
Jin Niu Room, 5F | Qing Yang Room, 5F |
09:00 – 10:55hrs FP11 – Refractive Surgery II |
09:00 – 10:55hrs FP12 – Cataract Surgery II |
11:30 – 13:15hrs FP13 – Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs) II |
11:30 – 13:00hrs FP14 – Chinese Papers |
14:00 – 15:25hrs FP15 – General |
14:00 – 15:30hrs FP16 – Chinese Papers |
Search for your presentations:
FP1 – Chinese Papers
Thursday, 30 May 2024 • 09:00 - 10:30hrs • Shu Shan Room, 3F
Chairs: 张晗 • 崔巍 • 赵梅生 • 吴敏
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
09:00 - 09:05hrs FP1-01 | 晶状体标尺辅助撕囊显著提升超声乳化白内障手术撕囊的精确性 | 刘奕志 中山大学中山眼科中心 |
09:05 - 09:10hrs FP1-02 | 改良无缝线巩膜内固定人工晶状体术矫正无晶状体眼5年随访疗效研究 | 王志良 复旦大学附属华山医院 |
09:10 - 09:15hrs FP1-03 | 囊袋拉钩辅助标准囊袋张力环巩膜缝线固定囊袋术治疗严重晶状体不全脱位的效果 | 季樱红 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
09:15 - 09:20hrs FP1-04 | 改良超声生物显微镜辅助定位引导下无缝线巩膜层间人工晶状体固定术的临床研究 | 叶宏权 乐山市人民医院 |
09:20 - 09:25hrs FP1-05 | 经角膜U形缝合法治疗闭合式袢人工晶体半脱位 | 王丽雯 大连市第三人民医院 |
09:25 - 09:30hrs | Discussion | |
09:30 - 09:35hrs FP1-06 | 飞秒激光辅助超声乳化术处理成人后极性白内障的临床效果分析 | 叶向彧 福州眼科医院 |
09:35 - 09:40hrs FP1-07 | 特殊飞秒白内障手术临床策略及病例分享 | 肖俊华 南昌普瑞眼科医院 |
09:40 - 09:45hrs FP1-08 | 飞秒激光辅助白内障超声乳化术与传统白内障超声乳化术后角膜生物力学变化的研究 | 高婧 潍坊眼科医院 |
09:45 - 09:50hrs FP1-09 | 飞秒激光弧形角膜切开术对白内障患者角膜生物力学影响的临床研究 | 王文惠 成都爱尔眼科医院有限公司 |
09:50 - 09:55hrs FP1-10 | 飞秒激光辅助白内障手术与常规超声乳化白内障超声乳化术对角膜影响的比较 | 王涵乐 浙江大学 |
09:55 - 10:00hrs | Discussion | |
10:00 - 10:05hrs FP1-11 | 人工虹膜联合人工晶状体植入治疗虹膜缺失 | 郭涛 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 |
10:05 - 10:10hrs FP1-12 | Phaco联合内路部分小梁切开术治疗白内障合并POAG的临床观察 | 何宇 成都市第一人民医院 |
10:10 - 10:15hrs FP1-13 | 白内障超声乳化摘除术中PCCC联合IOL光学部后囊口夹持对预防PCO安全性和有效性的临床观察 | 邓明辉 临汾市尧都区眼科医院 |
10:15 - 10:20hrs FP1-14 | 多孔海绵状载药涂层人工晶状体的构建及其在预防后发白内障中的应用研究 | 叶洋 浙江大学 |
10:20 - 10:25hrs FP1-15 | 基于仿生策略诱导的NPCEC-like细胞用于晶状体脱位修复治疗 | 陈天慧 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
10:25 - 10:30hrs | Discussion |
FP2 – Chinese Papers
Thursday, 30 May 2024 • 11:00 - 12:30hrs • Shu Shan Room, 3F
Chairs: 吴强 • 管怀进 • 罗敏 • 李灿
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
11:00 - 11:05hrs FP2-01 | 前部PFV的新分类方法与手术技术 | 陈伟蓉 中山大学中山眼科中心 |
11:05 - 11:10hrs FP2-02 | 柳暗花明又一村 一例儿童白内障5次手术的复明路 | 党光福 山东第一医科大学第一附属医院(山东省千佛山医院) |
11:10 - 11:15hrs FP2-03 | 角膜混浊合并白内障患者手术效果分析 | 张弘 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院眼科医院 |
11:15 - 11:20hrs FP2-04 | 合并气候滴状角膜变性的白内障手术安全性的分析 | 孙礼华 青海爱尔眼科医院 |
11:20 - 11:25hrs FP2-05 | 囊袋坏死综合征的人工晶状体脱位手术治疗 | 王晓明 济南明水眼科医院 |
11:25 - 11:30hrs | Discussion | |
11:30 - 11:35hrs FP2-06 | 晶体悬韧带松弛继发青光眼行白内障手术注意事项分析 | 付彦江 大庆眼科医院 |
11:35 - 11:40hrs FP2-07 | 伴有悬韧带松弛的青光眼白内障术后发生屈光漂移的临床观察 | 马晓程 内蒙古自治区人民医院 |
11:40 - 11:45hrs FP2-08 | 高度近视患者白内障术中植入囊袋张力环对术后囊袋收缩及视觉质量的临床研究 | 李方烃 北京大学人民医院 |
11:45 - 11:50hrs FP2-09 | 短期严重PCO行YAG激光后囊膜切开危险因素的分析 | 张娅萍 陕西省眼科医院;西安市第四医院 |
11:50 - 11:55hrs FP2-10 | 儿童油滴状白内障的手术疗效观察 | 邵震 山东中医药大学附属眼科医院 |
11:55 - 12:00hrs | Discussion | |
12:00 - 12:05hrs FP2-11 | 白内障摘除术后感染性坏死性铜绿假单胞性巩膜炎 | 马修彬 山东第一医科大学附属眼科研究所 |
12:05 - 12:10hrs FP2-12 | 葡萄膜炎-青光眼-前房积血综合征12例临床分析 | 杜秀娟 山东中医药大学附属眼科医院 |
12:10 - 12:15hrs FP2-13 | 人工晶状体远期混浊的临床特征分析、处理及其疗效观察 | 王开芳 济南明水眼科医院 |
12:15 - 12:20hrs FP2-14 | 白内障术中角膜上皮大泡状脱离一例 | 赵丹丹 昆明市延安医院 |
12:20 - 12:25hrs FP2-15 | 干细胞来源的晶状体前体细胞原位再生功能性晶状体及其机制研究 | 陈心怡 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
12:25 - 12:30hrs | Discussion |
FP3 – Chinese Papers
Thursday, 30 May 2024 • 14:00 - 15:30hrs • Shu Shan Room, 3F
Chairs: 陈松 • 李志坚 • 张红 • 王于蓝
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
14:00 - 14:05hrs FP3-01 | PanOptix IOL在中国白内障患者中的远期视觉质量和安全性分析 | 郭海科 上海和平眼科医院 |
14:05 - 14:10hrs FP3-02 | 早期后囊膜混浊对三焦点人工晶状体眼的视功能的影响及客观评估指标的多中心研究 | 杨晋 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
14:10 - 14:15hrs FP3-03 | 单眼植入三焦点人工晶状体的临床观察 | 刘冬梅 山东中医药大学附属眼科医院 |
14:15 - 14:20hrs FP3-04 | 双侧PanOptix植入术后老年性白内障的阅读速度评估:一项前瞻性、双中心研究 | 林英杰 爱尔眼科医院集团佛山爱尔眼科医院 |
14:20 - 14:25hrs FP3-05 | 比较分析两种三焦点人工晶状体植入术后的视觉质量 | 倪双 上海和平眼科医院 |
14:25 - 14:30hrs | Discussion | |
14:30 - 14:35hrs FP3-06 | MF-15区域折射EDoF人工晶体应用的真实世界研究 | 侯旭 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
14:35 - 14:40hrs FP3-07 | 双眼微单视低附加区域折射多焦点人工晶状体植入术后的视觉质量观察 | 崔忆辛 昆明医科大学第一附属医院 |
14:40 - 14:45hrs FP3-08 | TECNIS Symfony人工晶状体植入联合选择性透明角膜切口设计对老视眼视觉质量的影响 | 张烨 上海市第六人民医院 |
14:45 - 14:50hrs FP3-09 | 以双眼单视为目标的白内障手术联合不同人工晶体混搭的可行性及临床效果研究 | 吴琼 西安市人民医院(西安市第四医院) |
14:50 - 14:55hrs FP3-10 | 体外光学质量测试设备评价偏心与倾斜对景深延长型人工晶状体光学质量的影响 | 秦苏云 川北医学院 |
14:55 - 15:00hrs | Discussion | |
15:00 - 15:05hrs FP3-11 | Lentis 313 非球面人工晶体生物相容性及眼内稳定性观察 | 陈佩卿 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
15:05 - 15:10hrs FP3-12 | 高度近视合并白内障患者植入连续视程人工晶状体与单焦点人工晶状体术后双目视功能对比分析 | 张佳玉 重庆医科大学附属第一医院 |
15:10 - 15:15hrs FP3-13 | Symfony连续视程人工晶状体预留不同度数临床疗效观察 | 林宜 吉林大学第二医院 |
15:15 - 15:20hrs FP3-14 | 白内障合并高度近视患者多焦人工晶体植入术后临床疗效观察 | 柏丽娜 简阳市人民医院 |
15:20 - 15:25hrs FP3-15 | 植入景深延长型与三焦点人工晶状体后静态和动态视觉质量对比 | 李远婷 北京大学第三医院 |
15:25 - 15:30hrs | Discussion |
FP4 – Chinese Papers
Thursday, 30 May 2024 • 16:00 - 17:30hrs • Shu Shan Room, 3F
Chairs: 盛迅伦 • 姚佩君 • 梁刚
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
16:00 - 16:05hrs FP4-01 | 中国汉族人角膜生物力学差异对圆锥角膜筛查的影响 | 白继 白继眼科医院 |
16:05 - 16:10hrs FP4-02 | 角膜屈光手术术后视觉并发症及相关处理 | 赵炜 中国人民解放军空军军医大学第一附属医院 |
16:10 - 16:15hrs FP4-03 | FS-LIKE与SMI-LIKE矫正远视的屈光预测性比较 | 刘盛涛 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
16:15 - 16:20hrs FP4-04 | OCT测量角膜光密度与角膜表层切削术后Haze发生的相关性 | 吴文雨 北京大学第三医院 |
16:20 - 16:25hrs FP4-05 | 开发和验证数据级创新式机器学习模型预测ICL尺寸和术后拱高 | 唐涛 北京大学人民医院 |
16:25 - 16:30hrs | Discussion | |
16:30 - 16:35hrs FP4-06 | Trans-PRK围手术期感染的处理与思考 | 靳琳 大连市第三人民医院 |
16:35 - 16:40hrs FP4-07 | 飞秒激光辅助微创板层角膜移植术治疗轻中度及重度圆锥角膜的疗效对比 | 李娜 山东第一医科大学附属眼科医院(山东省眼科医院) |
16:40 - 16:45hrs FP4-08 | 应用UBM测量的相关数据优化ICL术后拱高的临床观察 | 肖晓婷 福州眼科医院 |
16:45 - 16:50hrs FP4-09 | SMILE与Femto-LASIK治疗高度近视术后功能性光学区的预测研究 | 孙丽霞 汕头大学·香港中文大学联合汕头国际眼科中心 |
16:50 - 16:55hrs FP4-10 | 角膜上皮厚度在FS-LASIK和TPRK术后屈光回退中的作用 | 李华 山东第一医科大学附属眼科研究所 |
16:55 - 17:00hrs | Discussion | |
17:00 - 17:05hrs FP4-11 | 软性角膜接触镜相关睑板腺功能障碍与朗格汉斯细胞的临床观察 | 田乐 山东第一医科大学附属青岛眼科医院 |
17:05 - 17:10hrs FP4-12 | 改良飞秒激光和小切口飞秒激光基质内透镜取出术治疗高度近视术后泪膜稳定性研究 | 何苗 绵阳万江眼科医院 |
17:10 - 17:15hrs FP4-13 | TICL植入术与ICL植入联合改良角膜缘松解切开术治疗高度近视合并散光的疗效观察 | 章晖 南昌普瑞眼科医院 |
17:15 - 17:20hrs FP4-14 | 温敏壳聚糖凝胶复合iPSC-MSC外泌体促进角膜修复及机制研究 | 唐俏梅 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院眼科中心 |
17:20 - 17:25hrs FP4-15 | 基于深度学习的临床决策支持系统用于评估ICL尺寸和拱高的回顾性研究 | 杨轶瑄 中国人民解放军陆军特色医学中心 |
17:25 - 17:30hrs | Discussion |
FP5 – Corneal Surgery
Friday, 31 May 2024 • 07:30 – 08:35hrs • Jin Niu Room, 5F
Chairs: Anshu ARUNDHATI, Singapore • Chul Young CHOI, South Korea
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
07:30 - 07:35hrs FP5-01 | Clinical Observation of EndoArt® Artificial Corneal Endothelial Membrane for Treatment of Chronic Corneal Edema | Wei CHEN China |
07:35 - 07:40hrs FP5-02 | The New Technology for Complex Treatment of Severe Keratoconus with Prevention of the Development of Secondary Ectasia | Valeriia SUCHKOVA Russia |
07:40 - 07:45hrs FP5-03 | Machine Learning-based Progress Prediction in Accelerated Cross-linking for Keratoconus | Qi WAN China |
07:45 - 07:50hrs FP5-04 | Circling the Cone: 360 degree intrastromal allogenic corneal segments | Neelima BALAKRISHNAN India |
07:50 - 07:55hrs FP5-05 | Combined Numerical and Structural OCT Staging Systems to Improve Full Course Management of Keratoconus | Nanji LU China |
07:55 - 08:00hrs FP5-06 | Chinese Experience: Clinical Outcomes of Artificial Corneal Endothelial Graft in Complicated Bullous Keratopathy Patients | Jing HONG China |
08:00 - 08:05hrs | Discussion | |
08:05 - 08:10hrs FP5-07 | Toric IOL in Combined DMEK and Cataract Surgery | Bruno TRINDADE Brazil |
08:10 - 08:15hrs FP5-08 | Suppressive Role of Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor in a Rat Model of Corneal Allograft Rejection | Xiaoran CHU China |
08:15 - 08:20hrs FP5-09 | A Modified Method of Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK, FS-DSEK) Using an Implanting the Bandage Stromal Flap | Sergey DEMYANCHENKO Russia |
08:20 - 08:25hrs FP5-10 | Phototherapeutic Keratectomy for Treatment of Recurrent Corneal Erosions | Sijing CHEN China |
08:25 - 08:30hrs FP5-11 | 3D Bioprinting of Corneal Decellularized Extracellular Matrix (CECM): GelMA Composite Hydrogel for Corneal Stroma Engineering | Shi-yao ZHANG China |
08:30 - 08:35hrs | Discussion |
FP6 – Chinese Papers
Friday, 31 May 2024 • 07:30 - 08:45hrs • Qing Yang Room, 5F
Chairs: 朱思泉 • 张素华 • 吴晓明
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
07:30 - 07:35hrs FP6-01 | 中国人群白内障患者晶状体悬韧带平衡力在不同子午线的分布 | 孙靖 天津医科大学眼科医院 |
07:35 - 07:40hrs FP6-02 | 中重度甲状腺相关眼病患者白内障手术时机探讨 | 何为民 四川大学华西医院 |
07:40 - 07:45hrs FP6-03 | 华中地区真性小眼球的流行病学、临床表现、管理和预后 | 程文君 河南省立眼科医院 |
07:45 - 07:50hrs FP6-04 | 上海郊区老年人视力损害的患病率及病因研究 | 陈佳惠 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
07:50 - 07:55hrs FP6-05 | 青年早发性白内障病因及疗效分析:西北眼科单中心研究 | 任栎璁 西安市人民医院(西安市第四医院) |
07:55 - 08:00hrs FP6-06 | 运用眼部标志物早期识别年龄相关性白内障患者认知功能障碍 | 张灵晶 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心 |
08:00 - 08:05hrs | Discussion | |
08:05 - 08:10hrs FP6-07 | 多模态影像学结合共识聚类分析评估全白白内障生物特征并分类 | 王铭薇 中山大学中山眼科中心 |
08:10 - 08:15hrs FP6-08 | 基于晶状体结构和功能特征的老视人群分类及诊断界值:人工智能辅助的PCA联合聚类分型 | 刘馨 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
08:15 - 08:20hrs FP6-09 | 全程化血糖管理在改善无明显视网膜病变的2型糖尿病性白内障患者术后视力的效果分析:基于视觉电生理和OCTA研究 | 李涛 资阳市中心医院 |
08:20 - 08:25hrs FP6-10 | SS-OCT智能化评估白内障术后不同设计IOL的位置关系 | 姚锦晗 山西医科大学 |
08:25 - 08:30hrs FP6-11 | 自体免疫疾病与白内障风险增加的因果关系:一项基于孟德尔随机化分析的研究 | 陈泰格 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 |
08:30 - 08:35hrs FP6-12 | 飞秒激光辅助与传统超声乳化白内障手术的安全性比较分析:Meta分析和系统性综述 | 徐靖杰 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
08:35 - 08:40hrs FP6-13 | 术中OCT导航在蔡司ARTEVO800辅助下进行白内障手术的临床应用和效果评估 | 邓帅 大连市第三人民医院 |
08:40 - 08:45hrs | Discussion |
FP7 – Refractive Surgery I
Friday, 31 May 2024 • 11:00 - 12:45hrs • Jin Niu Room, 5F
Chairs: John CHANG, Hong Kong SAR, China • Myoung Joon KIM, South Korea
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
11:00 - 11:05hrs FP7-01 | Effect of Corneal Epithelial Thickness on the Agreement of Keratometry Readings among Three Keratometers in Post-LASIK/PRK Patients | Linyang LI China |
11:05 - 11:10hrs FP7-02 | Results of First 100 Eyes of Bharat Protocol in Keratoconus using the NIDEK CXIII Equipped with CATz Algorithm from the FinalFit Software | Rajat JAIN India |
11:10 - 11:15hrs FP7-03 | Comparative study of a 3D visualization system and traditional microscope on retinal light damage in patients after ICL surgery | Xiangyu YE China |
11:15 - 11:20hrs FP7-04 | Can Epithelium Mapping be a Surrogate Marker of Ocular Surface Health? A Molecular and Confocal Study | Anushree BHATKAL India |
11:20 - 11:25hrs FP7-05 | Effectiveness of Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation for Correcting Irregular Corneal Astigmatism in Cataract Eyes | Xiteng CHEN China |
11:25 - 11:30hrs FP7-06 | Differences in Change of Postoperative Antioxidant Levels Between Laser Assisted Lenticule Extraction and Femtosecond Laser in Situ Keratomileusis | Hung-Chi CHEN Chinese Taipei |
11:30 - 11:35hrs | Discussion | |
11:35 - 11:40hrs FP7-07 | Five-year Follow-up of Intraocular Pressure and Anterior Chamber Dimensions Changes after Corneal Refractive Surgery | Xin ZHANG China |
11:40 - 11:45hrs FP7-08 | A Novel 3D Corneal Diameter Profile and Artificial Intelligence Driven Sizing of Implantable Collamer Lens | Amulya PUNATI India |
11:45 - 11:50hrs FP7-09 | Consequences Throughout the Whole Lifespan after Phakic Intraocular Refractive Surgery: A 15-year eye health study for high myopia | Yinjie JIANG China |
11:50 - 11:55hrs FP7-10 | Refractive and Visual Outcomes of Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) Using the VISUMAX 800 in 1000 Eyes | Supriya SRIGANESH India |
11:55 - 12:00hrs FP7-11 | Investigation of Short-term 3D Iris Morphology Alteration after Implantable Collamer Lens Implantation by using SS-OCT and Multitask Deep-learning | Xiaogang WANG China |
12:00 - 12:05hrs FP7-12 | Clinical Outcomes of SmartSight Lenticule Extraction in Patients with High Astigmatism | Sunghoon LEE South Korea |
12:05 - 12:10hrs | Discussion | |
12:10 - 12:15hrs FP7-13 | SMILE-derived Lenticule Implantation Combined with WG-TransPRK and A-CXL for the Treatment of Keratoconus Patients with Ultra-thin Cornea | Xunlun SHENG China |
12:15 - 12:20hrs FP7-14 | The Causes and Outcomes of Implantable Collamer Lens Explantation in Patients with Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss | So-Hyang CHUNG South Korea |
12:20 - 12:25hrs FP7-15 | Early Changes in Corneal Volume and Corneal Thickness Spatial Profile after SMILE and FS-LASIK for High Myopia | Ting SHEN China |
12:25 - 12:30hrs FP7-16 | Visual and Refractive Outcomes after Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction using the VISUMAX 800 in a Post-Market Clinical Followup Study | Sri GANESH India |
12:30 - 12:35hrs FP7-17 | A Comparative Study of the Effects of SPT-TransPRK versus SMILE on Dry Eye Parameters for Moderate Myopia | Zequn XING China |
12:35 - 12:40hrs FP7-18 | Effect of Different Concentrations of Mitomycin C on Corneal Nerve Regeneration and Ocular Pain Score after SPT-TransPRK for Moderate Myopia | Yu TAORUI China |
12:40 - 12:45hrs | Discussion |
FP8 – Chinese Papers
Friday, 31 May 2024 • 11:00 - 12:30hrs • Qing Yang Room, 5F
Chairs: 谭少健 • 周健 • 俞阿勇
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
11:00 - 11:05hrs FP8-01 | 白内障术前Lenstar与其他四种生物测量技术的一致性分析 | 王勇 南通市第一人民医院 |
11:05 - 11:10hrs FP8-02 | 基于扫频OCT测量的术前晶状体界面位置对于白内障术后人工晶状体真实位置的预测价值 | 李晨 苏州大学附属第一医院 |
11:10 - 11:15hrs FP8-03 | 基于两种SS-OCT生物测量仪全角膜曲率散光预测精度的对比研究 | 柴飞燕 山西省眼科医院 |
11:15 - 11:20hrs FP8-04 | 不同生物测量设备对白内障患者晶状体混浊程度评估的相关性分析 | 高奕晨 天津医科大学眼科医院 |
11:20 - 11:25hrs FP8-05 | 驮式人工晶状体植入矫正白内障术后屈光意外的有效性及准确性分析 | 曾宗圣 厦门大学附属厦门眼科中心 |
11:25 - 11:30hrs | Discussion | |
11:30 - 11:35hrs FP8-06 | 不同眼轴患者散光矫正型人工晶状体的术后长期稳定性研究 | 朱亚楠 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院眼科中心 |
11:35 - 11:40hrs FP8-07 | 白内障手术使用低度数单焦点散光矫正型人工晶体矫正散光的人群角膜散光特征分析 | 侯清怡 北京大学 |
11:40 - 11:45hrs FP8-08 | 高度近视眼中角膜曲率对8种新一代在线人工晶状体度数计算公式准确性的影响 | 莫尔 温州医科大学附属眼视光医院 |
11:45 - 11:50hrs FP8-09 | 3D CT眼球重建技术在高度近视白内障人工晶状体测算和视力预测中的应用 | 买尔哈巴·玉素甫 新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院 |
11:50 - 11:55hrs FP8-10 | 高度近视眼晶状体及人工晶状体的倾斜和偏心 | 黄怡芳 天津医科大学眼科医院 |
11:55 - 12:00hrs | Discussion | |
12:00 - 12:05hrs FP8-11 | 不同生物测量方法在III型黄斑患者眼轴长度及人工晶状体屈光度计算中的差异性分析 | 宝彤 赤峰朝聚眼科医院 |
12:05 - 12:10hrs FP8-12 | TK与传统K值对角膜屈光术后白内障人工晶体测算的预测准确性比较 | 王晓晨 山东第一医科大学附属青岛眼科医院 |
12:10 - 12:15hrs FP8-13 | 屈光性白内障手术中角膜上皮增厚对人工晶体度数计算准确性的影响 | 郭佳祺 北京大学医学部 |
12:15 - 12:20hrs FP8-14 | 经巩膜缝线固定治疗多焦点人工晶状体脱位的远期疗效 | 李洪垒 山东第一医科大学附属青岛眼科医院 |
12:20 - 12:25hrs FP8-15 | 经巩膜IOL缝襻固定术IOL屈光度的精准计算策略 | 靳光明 中山大学中山眼科中心 |
12:25 - 12:30hrs | Discussion |
FP9 – Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs) I
Friday, 31 May 2024 • 14:00 - 15:45hrs • Jin Niu Room, 5F
Chairs: Hiroko BISSEN-MIYAJIMA, Japan • LEE Mun Wai, Malaysia
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
14:00 - 14:05hrs FP9-01 | The PPV-LTZ Formula: An ensemble artificial intelligence-based thick intraocular lens calculation formula for vitrectomized eyes | Jiaqing ZHANG China |
14:05 - 14:10hrs FP9-02 | Refractive Surgery Challenges: Assessing toric intraocular lens in cataract patients with irregular astigmatism | Jin-Jhe WANG Chinese Taipei |
14:10 - 14:15hrs FP9-03 | Influencing Factors of Effective Lens Position in Patients with Marfan Syndrome and Ectopia Lentis after Lens Surgery | Xin SHEN China |
14:15 - 14:20hrs FP9-04 | Visual and Patient-reported Outcomes (PRO) of the Full Range of Vision Clareon Panoptix IOL | Smita AGARWAL Australia |
14:20 - 14:25hrs FP9-05 | Application of Total Keratometry in Ten Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Formulas in Highly Myopic Eyes | Ling WEI China |
14:25 - 14:30hrs FP9-06 | Clinical Outcomes of Retro-Pupillary Iris Claw IOL Fixation in the Pediatric Age Group | Tavishi SINGHAL India |
14:30 - 14:35hrs | Discussion | |
14:35 - 14:40hrs FP9-07 | A Pilot Study on Intrascleral Fixation of Implantable Polypropylene Capsular Hook(s) for Subluxated Lenses | Haiying JIN China |
14:40 - 14:45hrs FP9-08 | Simultaneous Management of Posterior Dislocated In-the-bag Intra-ocular lens (IOL) and Intra Scleral Fixation of Secondary IOL Implantation | Ari DJATIKUSUMO Indonesia |
14:45 - 14:50hrs FP9-09 | Clinical Effect and Rotational Stability of EVO TICL with Non-horizontal Implanting Orientation: A prospective study | Fan XIAOE China |
14:50 - 14:55hrs FP9-10 | First Clinical Results of Modular Intraocular Lens (IOL) Implantation in Infants | Yevgeniy BATKOV Russia |
14:55 - 15:00hrs FP9-11 | 3D Monitoring of Microphase Separations in the Crosslinking Polymer Networks within the Intraocular Lens | Yan MAO China |
15:00 - 15:05hrs FP9-12 | Comparison of Clinical Performance Between Precizon GO (Ophtec BV) and Eyhance (J&J) | Jiwon JEONG South Korea |
15:05 - 15:10hrs | Discussion | |
15:10 - 15:15hrs FP9-13 | Toric IOL Power Calculation in Cataract Eyes with Irregular Corneal/paracentral Astigmatism Using Two Simulated Keratometry Devices | Mingxing WU China |
15:15 - 15:20hrs FP9-14 | Assessing IOL Power Calculation after Myopic LASIK: Clinical Outcomes Comparison of Lenstar 900, IOLMaster 700, ORA and Placido Topography Methods | Chia-Chieh HSIAO Chinese Taipei |
15:20 - 15:25hrs FP9-15 | Impact of High IOP on IOL Power Calculation in PACD Cases | Yujie DING China |
15:25 - 15:30hrs FP9-16 | Evaluate the Outcomes of Intraocular Lens Fixation without Sutures | Hung NINH QUANG Vietnam |
15:30 - 15:35hrs FP9-17 | Clinical Outcomes of a Non-diffractive Extended Depth-of-Focus IOL in Eyes with Low-grade Epiretinal Membrane | Yong WANG China |
15:35 - 15:40hrs FP9-18 | Evaluating Axial Stability of Clareon IOL in Short and Long Eyes | Sudhir RACHAPALLE India |
15:40 - 15:45hrs | Discussion |
FP10 – Cataract Surgery I
Friday, 31 May 2024 • 13:50 - 15:50hrs • Qing Yang Room, 5F
Chairs: Sri GANESH, India • Takashi HIDA, Brazil
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
13:50 - 13:55hrs FP10-01 | Surgical Outcomes and Complications Following Sutureless Intrascleral Intraocular Lens Fixation – 7-year experience with the Yamane Technique | LEE Mun Wai Malaysia |
13:55 - 14:00hrs FP10-02 | Anterior Vitreous Face (AVF) after Phacoemulsification According to AS-OCT Images | Igor REBRIKOV Russia |
14:00 - 14:05hrs FP10-03 | Influence of Goniotomy Size on Treatment Safety and Efficacy for Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A multicenter study | Yu ZHANG China |
14:05 - 14:10hrs FP10-04 | Optimising IOL Power Calculations in Eyes with Zonulysis | Aaron NG Singapore |
14:10 - 14:15hrs FP10-05 | Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Formulas in Long Axial Length Cataract Surgery | Junjie PIAO China |
14:15 - 14:20hrs | Discussion | |
14:20 - 14:25hrs FP10-06 | Endothelial Cell Loss of FLACS versus Conventional Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery on Patients at Risk of Higher Loss: A meta-analysis | Felicia Sesi HERDIAN Indonesia |
14:25 - 14:30hrs FP10-07 | Influence of Different Anterior Capsule Polishing Modes on the Formation of Capsular Bending | Lingying YE China |
14:30 - 14:35hrs FP10-08 | Trifocal IOL to Correct Refractive Defects and Presbyopia after Cataract Surgery: 8 years follow up | Matteo PIOVELLA Italy |
14:35 - 14:40hrs FP10-09 | Safety and Efficacy of Capsular Tension Ring and Capsular Hook Implantation for Managing Ectopia Lentis in Marfan Syndrome: A real-world study | Zexu CHEN China |
14:40 - 14:45hrs FP10-10 | Adjustment of Intraocular Lens Power in Pediatric Secondary Ciliary Sulcus Implantation | Zhenzhen LIU China |
14:45 - 14:50hrs | Discussion | |
14:50 - 14:55hrs FP10-11 | Comparison of Postoperative Inflammatory Reaction under Different IOP Settings Using Centurion Vision System with Active Sentry Handpiece in PACG eyes | Yan GAO China |
14:55 - 15:00hrs FP10-12 | Comparison of Clinical Parameters in Two Different IOP Settings on Active Sentry during Cataract Surgery | Chandrashekhar WAVIKAR India |
15:00 - 15:05hrs FP10-13 | Initial Experience with Three-dimensional Heads-up Display System for Cataract Surgery – A comparative study | Chunjie MAO China |
15:05 - 15:10hrs FP10-14 | Evaluating the Preliminary Results of Bent Ab Interno Needle Goniectomy (BANG) in Open Angle Glaucoma | Hoang LE Vietnam |
15:10 - 15:15hrs FP10-15 | Comparison of Two Objective Methods for Measuring Postoperative Toric Intraocular Lens Orientation Under Natural Pupil | Yuanfeng JIANG China |
15:15 - 15:20hrs | Discussion | |
15:20 - 15:25hrs FP10-16 | Simultaneous Bilateral Intraocular Correction of High-grade Myopia Associated with Astigmatism in Young and Middle-aged People | Natalia VOLKOVA Russia |
15:25 - 15:30hrs FP10-17 | Stereopsis and Visual Acuity: Bilateral Trifocal versus Blended Extended Depth of Focus and Diffractive Bifocal Intraocular Lenses | Meiyi ZHU China |
15:30 - 15:35hrs FP10-18 | Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Eyes with Zonulysis Requiring Capsular Stabilization Devices | Kok Yao LOW Singapore |
15:35 - 15:40hrs FP10-19 | Protective Effects of Rb-bFGF on Corneal Endothelium after Phacoemulsification in Cataract Patients with Low Corneal Endothelial Cell Density | Yinan LIU China |
15:40 - 15:45hrs FP10-20 | Multifocal Intraocular Lens Optic Implantation in Berger Space in Children with Cataracts | Yusen HUANG China |
15:45 - 15:50hrs | Discussion |
FP11 – Refractive Surgery II
Saturday, 1 June 2024 • 09:00 - 10:55hrs • Jin Niu Room, Level 5
Chairs: Allan FONG, Singapore • So-Hyang CHUNG, South Korea
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
09:00 - 09:05hrs FP11-01 | Effects of Ocular Residual Astigmatism on Refractive Outcomes for Myopia Correction after Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction Surgery | SU Qing China |
09:05 - 09:10hrs FP11-02 | Long-term Outcome and Related Risk Factors in Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) Implantation of High Myopia | Mee Kum KIM South Korea |
09:10 - 09:15hrs FP11-03 | Comparison of the Distribution of Lenticule Decentration Following SMILE by Coaxially Sighted Corneal Light Reflex or Tear Film Mark Centration | Taiwei CHEN China |
09:15 - 09:20hrs FP11-04 | Intraocular Lens Calculation of a Non-Diffractive Wavefront-shaping Extended Depth of Focus IOL Following Myopic LASIK | Thomas KOHNEN Germany |
09:20 - 09:25hrs FP11-05 | Effective Optical Zone and Corneal Aberrations after Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction for Different Astigmatism Type | Xuyun MENG China |
09:25 - 09:30hrs Discussion | ||
09:30 - 09:35hrs FP11-06 | Role of Tear Inflammatory Biomarkers in Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) Haze and its Implications for PRK Outcomes | Deepthi R H India |
09:35 - 09:40hrs FP11-07 | Ocular Features in Myopic Eyes with Longer Horizontal Ciliary Sulcus Diameters for Intended Implantable Collamer Lens Surgery | Xi CHEN China |
09:40 - 09:45hrs FP11-08 | Comparison of Postoperative Uncorrected Visual Acuity and Refractive Error Between 4 Different Minimally Invasive Corneal Lens Extraction Techniques | I-Hung LIN Chinese Taipei |
09:45 - 09:50hrs FP11-09 | Comparison of Corneal Consumption and Corneal Biomechanics after SMILE and FS-LASIK Performed on the Contralateral Eyes with High Myopic Astigmatism | Xiangtao HOU China |
09:50 - 09:55hrs FP11-10 | Using Ultra High-Resolution Imaging of Collagen Properties to Choose the Right Refractive Procedure | Tanmoy VAIDYA India |
09:55 - 10:00hrs | Discussion | |
10:00 - 10:05hrs FP11-11 | Corneal Epithelial Remodeling Followed Cylinder Correction with FS-LASIK or SMILE: A comparative and prospective study | Pei CHEN China |
10:05 - 10:10hrs FP11-12 | Exploring the Role of Biomechanics Integrated Lenticular Extraction (BILEX) and its Impact on Post-operative Outcomes | Panaah SHETTY India |
10:10 - 10:15hrs FP11-13 | Corneal Subbsal Nerve Plexus Reinnervation and Stromal Cell Morphology with Different Cap Thickness in Small Incision Lenticule Extraction | Yanzheng SONG China |
10:15 - 10:20hrs FP11-14 | A Study of the Consistency and Accuracy of Optometric Results by Binocular Wavefront Optometer and Phoropter | Suqi XIAN China |
10:20 - 10:25hrs FP11-15 | Comparison of Two Scoring Systems for Detecting Early Forms of Keratoconus and their Correlation with Collagen Properties | Shalu CHAVAN India |
10:25 - 10:30hrs | Discussion | |
10:30 - 10:35hrs FP11-16 | A Nomogram to Improve the Predictability of High Myopic Astigmatism in Small Incision Lenticule Extraction Surgery | Na YU China |
10:35 - 10:40hrs FP11-17 | Comparison of Safety and Effectiveness in Patients Undergoing CLEAR Surgery with Cap Thickness of 100μm and 160μm | Thuy DINH THI PHUONG Vietnam |
10:40 - 10:45hrs FP11-18 | Epithelial Emboli on Corneal Nerve Fiber Repair after FS-LASIK | Zijie FANG China |
10:45 - 10:50hrs FP11-19 | Evaluation of Interocular Asymmetry for Early Diagnosis Keratoconus Suspect | Shuangcheng LI China |
10:50 - 10:55hrs | Discussion |
FP12 – Cataract Surgery II
Saturday, 1 June 2024 • 09:00 - 10:55hrs • Qing Yang Room, 5F
Chairs: Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG, Thailand • Y.C. Lee, Malaysia
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
09:00 - 09:05hrs FP12-01 | Novel Immune Signatures and Inflammatory Profile Associated with the Types of Cataracts | Naren SHETTY India |
09:05 - 09:10hrs FP12-02 | Corneal Biomechanical Factors Influencing Surgically Induced Corneal Astigmatism | Yufan YIN China |
09:10 - 09:15hrs FP12-03 | Assessment of an Integrated Approach to Optimizing Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Phacoemulsification of Cataracts Complicated with Congenital Aniridia | Marina OKUNEVA Russia |
09:15 - 09:20hrs FP12-04 | Efficacy of Phacoemulsification with Goniosynechialysis for the Treatment of Acute Primary Angle Closure: 5-years result | Yachen WANG China |
09:20 - 09:25hrs FP12-05 | Impact of Preoperative Dry Eye Treatment with Intense Pulse Light with Manual Meibomian Expression on Visual Outcomes after Cataract Surgery | Takeshi TESHIGAWARA Japan |
09:25 - 09:30hrs | Discussion | |
09:30 - 09:35hrs FP12-06 | Influence of Ocular Biometry Parameters on the Predictive Accuracy of IOL Power Formulas in Patients with High Myopia | Ao MIAO China |
09:35 - 09:40hrs FP12-07 | Audit of Cataract Surgery Outcomes after Posterior Capsule Rupture and Risk Factors Affecting Visual Acuity | Wenjun SONG Singapore |
09:40 - 09:45hrs FP12-08 | Femtosecond Laser Arcuate Keratotomy versus Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation in Cataract Surgery: A randomized clinical trial | Yueyang ZHONG China |
09:45 - 09:50hrs FP12-09 | Results of the Castrop Nomogram for Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Corneal Arcuate Incisions using a Low-Pulse-Energy Femtosecond laser | Johann KRUGER South Africa |
09:50 - 09:55hrs FP12-10 | Evaluate the Outcomes of Phacoemulsification in Eyes with Cataract and High Myopia | Thi Van Anh BUI Vietnam |
09:55 - 10:00hrs | Discussion | |
10:00 - 10:05hrs FP12-11 | Association of Persistent Dry Eye Symptoms Following Cataract Surgery and Blood Lipid | Xuanlong LI China |
10:05 - 10:10hrs FP12-12 | Comparison Between Bilateral Mix-and-Match Implantation of Extended Depth of Focus and Trifocal IOLs and Bilateral Implantation of Trifocal IOLs | Jae Yong KIM South Korea |
10:10 - 10:15hrs FP12-13 | Effect of Sequential Cataract Surgery for Dominant Eyes Transition: Comparison three examination methods for dominant eye | Laiqiang QU China |
10:15 - 10:20hrs FP12-14 | Outcomes of Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS) vs Conventional Phacoemulsification in Hard Cataract | Maiia NEMSITSVERIDZE Russia |
10:20 - 10:25hrs FP12-15 | The Intraoperative Complication and Learning Curve of Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: A Cohort Study of 3,289 Chinese Cases | Xiaobo ZHANG China |
10:25 - 10:30hrs | Discussion | |
10:30 - 10:35hrs FP12-16 | Analysis of Relevant Factors for Visual Prognosis after Congenital Cataract Surgery | Lei YU China |
10:35 - 10:40hrs FP12-17 | Visual Outcomes of 129 Patients with Bilateral Panoptix Implantation: A prospective, multicenter, real-world observational study | Yan WEN China |
10:40 - 10:45hrs FP12-18 | Impact of Central Corneal Astigmatism on Postoperative Visual Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Trifocal Intraocular Lens Implantation | Lan WANG China |
10:45 - 10:50hrs FP12-19 | Evaluation of the Choroidal Vascular Changes with the Swept-source Coherence Tomography after Phacoemulsification Surgery | Manjing SONG China |
10:50 - 10:55hrs | Discussion |
FP13 – Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs) II
Saturday, 1 June 2024 • 11:30 - 13:15hrs • Jin Niu Room, 5F
Chairs: Bryan Hung-Yuan LIN, Chinese Taipei • Gaurav LUTHRA, India
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
11:30 - 11:35hrs FP13-01 | Visual Outcomes of Bilateral Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lenses Implantation with Intentional Myopia in High-Myopic Cataract Patients | Yuyang YANG China |
11:35 - 11:40hrs FP13-02 | Rotational Stability of the RayOne EMV Toric IOL | Zelia CHIU Australia |
11:40 - 11:45hrs FP13-03 | Comparative Analysis of Visual Outcomes and Objective Visual Complaints of Different Intraocular Lenses: A prospective observational study | Dan YE China |
11:45 - 11:50hrs FP13-04 | A Prospective Study of Vivity & Vivity Toric IOL in Chinese in Taiwan: Preliminary results and analysis | Cindy Yi-Yu HSU Chinese Taipei |
11:50 - 11:55hrs FP13-05 | Real-world Outcomes of an Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device-Free Method for PRL Implantation | A-Yong YU China |
11:55 - 12:00hrs FP13-06 | Refractive Accuracy and Visual Outcomes in Long and Short Eyes Using Alcon Argos® Biometer | Tanvi HALDIPURKAR India |
12:00 - 12:05hrs | Discussion | |
12:05 - 12:10hrs FP13-07 | Prevalence Data for Total Corneal Astigmatism in Cataract Patients | Zhengze SUN China |
12:10 - 12:15hrs FP13-08 | Comparison of the Rotational Stability Between C-Loop Haptic and Plate Haptic Toric Intraocular Lens | Teck Chee CHENG Malaysia |
12:15 - 12:20hrs FP13-09 | Effect of Capsular Tension Ring on the Accuracy of 9 IOL Formulas in Long Eyes | Jialin XU China |
12:20 - 12:25hrs FP13-10 | A New Method for Selecting Keratometric Data for Calculating IOL Toricity | Sergey SHUKHAEV Russia |
12:25 - 12:30hrs FP13-11 | Enzyme-sensitive Drug Eluting Coating on Intraocular Lens for Posterior Capsule Opacification Prevention | Han YUEMEI China |
12:30 - 12:35hrs FP13-12 | Visual Performance Outcomes of a New Refractive Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens | Timothy ROBERTS Australia |
12:35 - 12:40hrs | Discussion | |
12:40 - 12:45hrs FP13-13 | Accuracy of Intraocular Lens Power Calculation Between Standard and Total Keratometry in Different Back-front Corneal Radius Ratio | Fuman YANG China |
12:45 - 12:50hrs FP13-14 | Stereoscopy in Blended Vision with Refractive Low Add EDoF IOL | Florian KRETZ Germany |
12:50 - 12:55hrs FP13-15 | Decentration and Tilt of Intraocular Lens after Cataract Surgery: A clinical study based on preoperative lens position | Feng XU China |
12:55 - 13:00hrs FP13-16 | Evaluation of Contact of IOL with PC with Respect to Haptic Orientation and CTR Implantation Using iOCT | Nisarga RANE India |
13:00 - 13:05hrs FP13-17 | Binocular Vision after Bilateral Implantation of Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens with Micro-monovision | Tong SUN China |
13:05 - 13:10hrs FP13-18 | Patient-reported Outcomes of Visual Disturbances with a Trifocal Intraocular Lens: A meta-analysis | Caridad PEREZ-VIVES Spain |
13:10 - 13:15hrs | Discussion |
FP14 – Chinese Papers
Saturday, 1 June 2024 • 11:30 - 13:00hrs • Qing Yang Room, 5F
Chairs: 沈婷 • 胡亮 • 黄国富
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
11:30 - 11:35hrs FP14-01 | 评估可疑圆锥角膜患者SMILE术后的治疗效果 | 夏丽坤 中国医科大学附属盛京医院 |
11:35 - 11:40hrs FP14-02 | SMILE术后人工晶状体度数计算准确性研究:9种公式对比分析 | 苑晓勇 天津市眼科医院 |
11:40 - 11:45hrs FP14-03 | SMILE 后通过泪膜标记中心或角度 kappa 调整中心进行微透镜偏心:一项随机、前瞻性、对侧眼研究 | 林丰 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
11:45 - 11:50hrs FP14-04 | 使用基于UBM图像的深度学习预测术后拱高和最佳ICL直径 | 崔嵬 山东省眼科研究所 山东第一医科大学附属青岛眼科医院 |
11:50 - 11:55hrs FP14-05 | 比较角膜缘松解切开联合ICL植入术和Toric ICL植入术两种手术方法对高度近视患者散光矫正的效果分析 | 汪宇涵 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 |
11:55 - 12:00hrs | Discussion | |
12:00 - 12:05hrs FP14-06 | SMILE和FS-LASIK手术前后角膜对称性的改变及相关性研究 | 张妍 上海交通大学医学院附属第一人民医院 |
12:05 - 12:10hrs FP14-07 | 基于Corvis ST分析飞秒LASIK联合快速交联矫正高度近视术后角膜生物力学变化 | 王庆宝 山东中医药大学附属眼科医院 |
12:10 - 12:15hrs FP14-08 | ICL植入术与SMILE手术矫正高度近视眼疗效的Meta分析 | 李鸿钰 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心 |
12:15 - 12:20hrs FP14-09 | 不同类型角膜散光对角膜生物力学特性测量的影响 | 陈开建 重庆爱尔眼科医院有限公司 |
12:20 - 12:25hrs FP14-10 | Smile全飞秒负压环下蹲式对接技术对手术效率的影响 | 包宁 大连市第三人民医院 |
12:25 - 12:30hrs | Discussion | |
12:30 - 12:35hrs FP14-11 | 飞秒激光辅助ICL手术的临床分析Clinical Analysis of Femtosecond Laser-Assisted ICL Surgery | 孟照洋 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院 |
12:35 - 12:40hrs FP14-12 | 不同严重程度圆锥角膜患者锥体几何形态研究 | 张尔驰 温州医科大学附属眼视光医院 |
12:40 - 12:45hrs FP14-13 | 紫外光/核黄素-维生素 E 生育酚聚乙二醇琥珀酸酯交联方案对兔眼角膜基质超微结构和胶原纤维的影响 | 魏升升 西安市人民医院(西安市第四医院) |
12:45 - 12:50hrs FP14-14 | 对单眼视设计的激光角膜屈光手术前后三级视功能的观察 | 谭巧巧 重庆白继眼科门诊部有限公司 |
12:50 - 12:55hrs FP14-15 | FS-LASIK自旋补偿矫正高度散光的临床疗效对比分析 | 王慧娴 新疆四七四医院(原中国人民解放军第四七四医院) |
12:55 - 13:00hrs | Discussion |
FP15 – General
Saturday, 1 June 2024 • 14:00 - 15:25hrs • Jin Niu Room, 5F
Chairs: Pichit NARIPTHAPHAN, Thailand • Vaishali VASAVADA, India
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
14:00 - 14:05hrs FP15-01 | The Direct Cost of Penetrating Keratoplasty in a Private Tertiary Hospital in Metro Manila | Jan Philippe TAN Philippines |
14:05 - 14:10hrs FP15-02 | Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography (ASOCT) Biomarkers in Recurrent Corneal Erosion Syndrome (RCES) | Raniya K.P. India |
14:10 - 14:15hrs FP15-03 | Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Glaucoma: A comprehensive literature review | Shayne TAN Singapore |
14:15 - 14:20hrs FP15-04 | Blood Sugar Variability and the Risk of Cataract in Individuals without Diabetes Mellitus: A nationwide population-base cohort study | Kyu Sang EAH South Korea |
14:20 - 14:25hrs FP15-05 | CorNeat EverPatch – A Synthetic Tissue Substitute for Glaucoma Drainage Device Concealment – 1 year follow up data | Gilad LITVIN Israel |
14:25 - 14:30hrs | Discussion | |
14:30 - 14:35hrs FP15-06 | AI-based Clinical Stratification Using Tear Film Biomarkers in DED to Identify Sub-clinical Disease | Pooja KHAMAR India |
14:35 - 14:40hrs FP15-07 | Investigate the Specificity and Sensitivity of Ultra-wide-field Imaging for Detecting Peripheral Lesions before Corneal Refractive Surgery | Meiyan LI China |
14:40 - 14:45hrs FP15-08 | Influence of the Severity and Type of Astigmatism that Impacts on Visual Acuity and Perceived Image Quality by Patients | Somtaporn UEATHAWEEPHOL Thailand |
14:45 - 14:50hrs FP15-09 | Water Drinking Test in Glaucoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Claire GOH Singapore |
14:50 - 14:55hrs FP15-10 | Why Barrett Rx Formula is More Accurate than | Narendrasingh VERMA India |
14:55 - 15:00hrs | Discussion | |
15:00 - 15:05hrs FP15-11 | Corneal Biomechanics and Their Association with Severity of Lens Dislocation in Marfan Syndrome | Minjie ZOU China |
15:05 - 15:10hrs FP15-12 | Two-year Postmarket Surveillance of iStent Inject W Combined with Phacoemulsification in Japanese Eyes with Open-angle Glaucoma | Alice CHU Singapore |
15:10 - 15:15hrs FP15-13 | Intraocular Pressure Reduction with the Travoprost Intracameral Implant Compared to Pre-study Prostaglandin Analog Monotherapy | Robert ANG Philippines |
15:15 - 15:20hrs FP15-14 | Can Transfer Learning Redefine the Boundaries of Myopia Diagnostics? | Carolyn Yu Tung WONG Hong Kong SAR, China |
15:20 - 15:25hrs | Discussion |
FP16 – Chinese Papers
Saturday, 1 June 2024 • 14:00 - 15:30hrs • Qing Yang Room, 5F
Chairs: 兰长骏 • 曲超 • 王耿
Time | Presentation Topic | Speaker |
14:00 - 14:05hrs FP16-01 | 白内障摘除术中眼科手术导航系统撕囊环直径设定值漂移的测算研究 | 刘畅 上海市第六人民医院 |
14:05 - 14:10hrs FP16-02 | 在基层医院初期开展屈光性白内障手术的并发症及原因分析 | 张立建 重庆市潼南区惠视眼科医院 |
14:10 - 14:15hrs FP16-03 | 人工晶体伪调节及其相关因素分析 | 赵振波 沈阳爱尔卓越眼科医院 |
14:15 - 14:20hrs FP16-04 | 三种方法矫正白内障合并中低度角膜逆规散光的中期疗效比较 | 张洪帅 朝聚(内蒙古)眼科医院 |
14:20 - 14:25hrs FP16-05 | 无巩膜瓣保留结膜经巩膜缝线固定人工晶体治疗囊膜支撑不足的临床效果 | 娄炜 上海市东方医院(同济大学附属东方医院) |
14:25 - 14:30hrs | Discussion | |
14:30 - 14:35hrs FP16-06 | 基于AS-OCT图像的核性白内障多级排序分类算法研究 | 方利鑫 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 |
14:35 - 14:40hrs FP16-07 | 马方综合征患者基因型和视网膜异常表型之间的关联性研究 | 刘燕 复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 |
14:40 - 14:45hrs FP16-08 | 药物洗脱人工晶状体的构建及其在预防后囊膜浑浊的应用探索研究 | 韩海杰 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
14:45 - 14:50hrs FP16-09 | 液化性后发性白内障的质谱分析研究 | 葛佳佳 山东第一医科大学附属眼科研究所 |
14:50 - 14:55hrs FP16-10 | 利用CRISPR/Cas9敲除TGF-β受体II抑制晶状体上皮细胞上皮-间质转化和后发性白内障 | 王进达 首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院 |
14:55 - 15:00hrs | Discussion | |
15:00 - 15:05hrs FP16-11 | 先天性晶状体脱位患儿IOL植入术后屈光漂移规律及术中屈光度预留方案 | 刘思源 中山大学中山眼科中心 |
15:05 - 15:10hrs FP16-12 | 装载环孢菌素的纳米氧化铈通过调节免疫-上皮互作治疗干眼症 | 崔文羽 浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 |
15:10 - 15:15hrs FP16-13 | 一种双效抗氧化和抗炎胶束:打破干眼症的恶性循环 | 李愫 浙江大学 |
15:15 - 15:20hrs FP16-14 | LncRNA p19101负向调控SH3GLB1及自噬在年龄相关性白内障发病和再生晶状体混浊中的作用及机制研究 | 张丽芳 宁波大学附属人民医院 |
15:20 - 15:25hrs FP16-15 | CORM-3预处理在白内障动物及细胞模型中调控氧化应激和细胞凋亡的机制研究 | 李景兰 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心 |
15:25 - 15:30hrs | Discussion |